|| India's First Integrated Platform for Green Building Solutions ||
As we have come to know about the hazardous effects of sand mining, we have initiated a Sand Free Challenge wherein we are promoting people to take the challenge and send us their unique sand free idea, image, video as well as projects and case studies. We have impacted the natural resources to a great extent for our own greed. To prevent the coming generation from the depletion of the resources and to give them a better environment we need to adapt the Sustainable Measures in construction. To stop this take the sand free challenge and pledge to stop the sand mining and adopting the sustainable measures for construction and saving the environment and believe in green.
Be The Part Of Sand Free Campaign And Support Mother Nature!
#SANDFREE CHALLENGE PARTICIPATION RULES: The following are the categories to submit your projects:
1. PROJECTS To be a part of this your project should be unique and is promoting the sandfree idea. There can be both existing and new projects that depicts and promote the Sand free Environment. 2. VIDEOS In this category you can submit your video or your group video where in you are supporting the idea of the environmentbased on Sandfree or telling about the advantages of the sandfree Products. It could be both short or illustrated video. You can either send us your video or tag us on Social Media Platforms @Econaur and #SANDFREECHALLENGE. 3.IMAGES To take a part you can submit any image depicting and impacting the sandfree environment and spreading the awareness of the same. You can either send us your images or tag us on Social Media Platforms @Econaur and #SANDFREECHALLENGE. 4.BLOGS/ARTICLES- In this category unique blog or article showing the impacts and throwing some light on the sandfree sustainable products and their uses and why people need to stop using the sand and start believing in healthy environment will be appreciated. You can either send us your blogs/articles or tag us on Social Media Platforms @Econaur and #SANDFREECHALLENGE. 5.UNIQUE SANDFREE IDEA In this category you can submit your unique idea/ project idea where in we can make the construction sandfree. The project and the idea will be displayed on our website. #The best three from all the categories will be chosen randomly. #The winners will get the Vouchers/Award/Visit to the factory. #TAKE THE CHALLENGE AND SPREAD THE AWARENESS! #BE A PART NOW! #SUBMIT YOUR UNIQUE IDEA/IMAGE/VIDEO/ARTICLE!

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Be the part of Growing Sustainability Platform of India which gives you the opportunity to connect with the renowened Architects, Building Consultants & Sustainable Product Companies through which you will able to contribute in the sustainable construction and follow more green practices & technology in Construction. Register today and be the participate in the Contest.

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