Econauris India’s first online aggregator platform which provides one stop solutions for green and energy efficient buildings by providing the materials, products, technology and expert guidance.
Our intention of having a community of stakeholders, architects, consultants, and manufacturing companies is this only, so under a single platform anybody can communicate with anyone and know what more can be achieved in sustainable construction. We believe in working together, and no better way can be there to connect every member from the building industry at a single platform.
How Econaur Works for Sustainability!
The major thing we keep in mind before showcasing any information or product on our platform is that, the product doesn’t have any harmful impact on the environment. As long as the product is sustainable and minimize the harmful effects on the environment, we are always whole-heartedly open to showcase the product.
Even if you want to share any information or post anything related to green building, new sustainable products or about the environment then also we give you a community section where you can share anything related. We too share regular content in our Blog section about new technologies, construction products and news about green building.
Provide Cost-Effective Solutions
In the long run, the life-cycle costs of sustainable products are usually less expensive. Plus they bring greater satisfaction during installation and for generations of use. There are creative ways to build a green home or office without compromising quality. We’re aware of the challenges and invite you to take advantage of our expertise in order to get the look and quality you want, at a price you can afford.
We’ve done it with our own buildings and with hundreds of others — and we’re confident we can help you. Many of our clients forced us to find natural products that would compete in price with cheaper, unnatural products. This was a challenge, but we did it.