Benefits of Waterless urinals over traditional urinals!
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Saving of Water is not only required the need for Humans. But by saving water resources we are also helping the Wildlife and the Ecosystem near us to Develop.

Waterless urinals are the urinals which does not consume water and are water efficient
Water Savings. Toilets and urinals account for about half of a typical building’s water consumption. In the United States, almost five billion gallons of water are used every day to flush urinals and toilets, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Conventional flush-type urinals use about one to five gallons per flush, depending on their age. Because no-flush urinals use no water, one to five gallons of water is saved with each use.
Low Maintenance. Waterless urinals generally require little maintenance. The absence of a flush valve eliminates valve repairs and reduces opportunities for tampering. Additionally, overflow due to clogged drains and vandalism is not a problem because large amounts of water are not being flushed. According to the manufacturers, drain lines on waterless urinals are less susceptible to clogging as the mixture of water and urine, absent with no-flush urinals, causes encrustations to form in the pipes. Occasional flushing with a few gallons of water is recommended to keep lines clean.
Improved Hygiene. Many people think that urine is an unclean substance. However, it is generally a sanitary liquid, composed mainly of dissolved metabolic waste and excess water. Urine normally does not contain harmful microorganisms unless the person is harboring some type of urinary tract infection.
Water used by conventional urinals gives germs in the restroom the moist environment they need to grow. Manufacturers design waterless urinals to remain dry.
This makes them hostile to bacteria and viruses. Also, flushing tends to send these microbes airborne, spreading them throughout the restroom. In addition, because there is no handle, no-flush urinals are touch-free, reducing the spread of communicable diseases.
Mr. Sachin Joshi, Co-founder of Ekam Eco Solutions says “Waterless urinals would result in a significant improvement in public restroom hygiene in India”
Odor Control. The absence of a water-urine blend in the bowl lessens the prevalence of odors often associated with urinals, according to at least one manufacturer. { The sealant liquid filling the trap is designed to keep odors out of the restroom.
Environmental Friendliness. Waterless urinals contribute positively to the environment. First, the absence of water for flushing reduces the demand for water. Also, because no water goes down the drain, additional wastewater requiring treatment is not generated. Next, the special drain cartridges and inserts used in some models are recyclable. Finally, the sealant liquid composed of natural oils is biodegradable.
Rebates and Incentives. Some water utility companies offer rebates and incentive payments to owners installing waterless urinals. Payments range from a partial to full reimbursement for the cost of no-flush urinals.
Energy Reduction. Widespread use of waterless urinals could result in an overall reduction in energy use. Cities and other water supply agencies would not have to use energy to treat and pump as much water.
“Green Building” Credits. Many new construction projects are earning certification as “Green buildings” under the green building ratings program developed by the Indian Green Building Council. Installation of waterless urinals helps gain water conservation points.
User Acceptance. Some owners report initial reluctance on the part of users to psychologically accept waterless urinals. Two universities reported that signs posted near the urinals explaining how they work and why they were installed seemed to increase favorable responses.
Retrofits. When replacing conventional urinals, removal of flush valves and capping of water supply lines will be necessary. Some remodeling may be required to lower the drain lines where needed to bring the new waterless urinals to the proper mounting height.
Local Approval. Acceptance of no-flush urinals varies from city to city. However, acceptance of no-flush urinals is now ubiquitous throughout the country with only three states not yet having their plumbing codes changed.
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