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Air Distribution Products contribute a Major Role in Indoor Air Quality of a Building

Healthcare, safety, efficiency, and equitability are some certain concerning facts that every human must remain aware of. With the improvement of technology and science, improving quality in healthcare has become an important measure.

Air quality indicates the estate of the air in the surrounding. Good air quality pertains to the degree to which the air is clean, clear, and free from pollutants such as smoke, and dust among other gaseous impurities in the air. Air quality is determined by appraising a variety of pollution indicators.

Effects of bad air quality

Poor air quality is a universal problem. Polluted air is directly linked to a variety of health concerns, ranging from short-term irritation to serious diseases. Most of the pollution that’s affecting our air comes from human activities. It is a result of manufacturing, transportation, and a dependence on fossil fuels like gas and coal. Exposure to pollutants like smog, sulfates, nitrates, and carbon can have a powerful impact on both human health and the health of the earth.

According to the LEED & IGBC APs- Sustainable Professionals, the air quality inside the home is often two to five times worse than it is outdoors. After certain activities, like painting or floor removal, the air in your house can be up to 1,000 times worse than the air outside. This is due to the off-gassing of volatile organic compounds found in paint, adhesives, and many everyday objects in the home.

We all need
clean air 

With the improvement of technology and science,
improving quality in healthcare has become significant.

On average, a person inhales about 14,000 liters of
air every day, and the presence of contaminants in this air can adversely
affect people’s health. People with pre-existing respiratory and heart
conditions and diabetes, the young, and older people are particularly

Clean and good air, like clean water, is in short
supply around the world. Many of us take the air we breathe for granted, but we

Without clean air, we cannot live.

Air Ventilation

Another approach to lowering the concentrations of indoor air pollutants in your house is to increase the amount of outdoor air coming indoors. Ventilation and shading can help you to control indoor temperatures. Ventilation in addition helps remove or dilute indoor airborne pollutants coming from indoor sources. This reduces the level of contaminants in the air and improves indoor air quality.

Air Flow

AIR FLOW High-Efficiency Vane Axial Fan AFPVX Series is the perfect combination of high volume, compact size, durability, and superior quality fans required for air ventilation in a commercial or industrial segment. The Series is certified for Sound & Air Performance under Fan Efficiency Grade (FEG) from AMCA and are among the most Efficient & Silent Fan which overall helps in reducing installation & operational cost.


Highly Efficient Fan.

Reduces Operating costs.

Meets Medium Pressure System Criteria.

 Reduces Construction & Design costs.

Statically & dynamically balanced.

 Factory tested prior to shipment.

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